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Staff Response Training

Become Aware

Get Prepared

Limit Risk

What is Staff Response Training and Why Should You or Your Employees Take a Staff Response Training Course?

Staff Response Training (SRT) is a unique workplace violence prevention program offered by ITTC. Adaptable to your employees’ needs, SRT teaches your staff  “3 Areas of Awareness,” “Release and Escape” techniques, and several approaches to protect themselves in an aggravated climate. With this knowledge, they can perform their duties with confidence and offer quality service once the client returns to a “Safe State.”  This program also encourages clear and concise communication between all team members. 
  • Help reduce workplace violence and calmly react to active threats

  • Have enhanced crisis intervention skills to reduce incidents
  • Have the tools necessary to safely disengage in a physical crisis and rely on defensive tactics
  • Significantly reduce the risk of injury to both client and staff
  • Build confidence 
  • Limit liability and minimize short & long-term potential risk and workman’s compensation cases with a proven track record

Highly trained staff certified in our SRT course will:

Skills Taught

  • Verbal de-escalation techniques, the best first solution

  • Various approaches and engagement techniques, including non-escalation tactics

  • 3 Areas of Awareness: Personal, Environmental, and Situational

  • Release and Escape techniques

  • Identify aggressive behavior, both verbal and non-verbal​


Ask an ITTC representative for more information on Staff Response Training Classes.



SBT is higher level training which includes real world scenarios and mock high-risk situations. Those certified in our Staff Response Training program can test their skills in scenarios created by you and your team. 

​SBT’s demand quick thinking, teamwork, and an accurate application of learned skills while focusing on safety for all involved.

Examples of scenarios include but are not limited to: mental and behavioral health episodes, intoxicated individuals, neurobehavioral disorders, domestic violence situations, and all other crisis in the workplace.

After the initial certification in our SRT program, ITTC Instructors can implement the SBT training as a Skills Maintenance Session (SMS). These sessions are designed to maintain the skills learned. Perishable skills are lost over time and need to be practiced and refreshed.

What is Scenario Based Training (SBT)?

Why Work with ITTC for Staff Response Training?

We Focus on Prevention and De-escalation First

We prioritize preventative measures and de-escalation techniques, placing hands-on tactics as a secondary option. Other programs can be more law enforcement-based, focusing on what to do when situations go completely wrong, and self-defense becomes necessary. While our programs ensure our trainees exhaust all nonviolent options first, to keep themselves and their colleagues safe. We emphasize that non-escalation tactics be employed when interacting with a challenging individual, but other programs only offer tactics after a situation becomes unmanageable.

We Have Niche Experience in Healthcare and Office Settings

We have been exclusively dedicated to the hospital and office workers, tailoring our training to hyper-relevant experiences. Other programs provide more generic training that may not be as relevant to the unique challenges faced in hospital and office settings. We also offer state specific training for California, Texas & New Jersey employees.

We Have Field Experience

Our trainers include martial artists, law enforcement officers/police department staff, and hospital staff, ensuring up-to-date and practical training methods. We employ trainers and workers who understand how our training would work in the real world.

Empower Your Team  With ITTC Today!

Get Started on Workplace Violence Prevention Training:

Complete the form below, and an ITTC specialist will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your needs.

We understand the sensitive nature of this training. Any information you provide will be kept confidential,

our only goal is to help enhance your organization's safety and preparedness. We look forward to working

with you on effective violence prevention strategies.

We look Forward To Keeping You Safe!

©2024 by Iron Temple Training Center.

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